Established in 1983, Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. “SFFECO”, is a world-class market leader in manufacturing fire-fighting equipment. With 3 decades of experience in the fire-protecting and fire-fighting industry, a dedicated network of over 100 representatives worldwide and cutting-edge production and manufacturing facilities in Dubai ; products of SFFECO global are UL, SF and LPCB certified.

Innovation & Excellence Since 1983
SFFECO’s philosophy revolves around saving lives and protecting properties by bringing together over 3-decades of experience in design, consultancy, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance and refurbishment of fire-protecting and fire-fighting systems.
The product range manufactured by SFFECO is created in compliance with the highest standards and according to world-class specifications.

SFFECO’s products include the following:
- Fire Pump Sets
- Fire Cabinets
- Fire Doors
- Valves
- Fire Hoses and Accessories
- Certified Extinguishing Systems
- Standard Extinguishing Systems
- Fire Hydrants and Accessories
- Extinguishers
- Kitchen Hood Systems
- Custom-Made Fire-Fighting Units
- Foam Systems and Equipment
- Monitors
- Health and Medical Emergency Vehicles
- Fire-Fighting Emergency Vehicles